
Logon Components,Connections and Connection Pools
How Do I Implement Pooling?
To create the various objects required for pooling, youll go through the following
basic steps (each of which will be discussed in greater detail in the sections to
1 First, youll create a basic connection resource. The resource will be a
standard TN5250 terminal connection.
2 Next, youll create a Logon Component that uses the connection resource
defined in Step 1. As part of this process, youll create an action model
designed to navigate to a certain point in the host program.
3 You will create a Logon Connection resource, which is a specialized type of
connection resource that relies on a Logon Component (from Step 2) to
make the basic connection (through the resource defined in Step 1).
4 Finally, youll create a 5250 Terminal Component and associate it with the
Logon Connection resource of Step 3.
These steps are described in detail starting with the discussion in Creating a
Connection Pool further below. Before going to that section, however, you
should become familiar with the design principles behind the Logon Component
(and also the Logon Connection). Well start with the Logon Component, since its
impossible to create a Logon Connection without using a Logon Component.
About the 5250 Logon Component
The Logon Component is a special component. It has an Action Model, yet can be
used as a connection resource as well. The Action Model of this type of
component is designed to manage a connection that will be used by multiple 5250
Terminal Components. In most respects, the Logon Component is the same as a
5250 Terminal component. The differences are:
1 In a Logon Component, the Action Model is organized around connection-
management tasks. Those tasks are implemented via special actions: the
Logon Action, KeepAlive Action, and Logoff Action.
2 A Logon Component is not invoked directly by another component or
service. Its invocation is under the control of a Logon Connection.
NOTE: A Logon Component must and can only be used in conjunction with
a Logon Connection.