EN 183
Enhanced I/O 59
Enhanced PCL 5 14
envelopes, input tray capacity 14
environmental specifications 32
EP Door
disabling high voltage power supply 57
locating 20
removing 75
Error light 38, 121
error messages 121, 123
beam 124
engine 124
formatter 125
fuser 123
memory 121
paper 121
persistent 122
priority 120
processor 125
scanner 125
service 123
status messages 121
troubleshooting 120
unclearable, troubleshooting 122
ESD (electrostatic discharge) 70
Commercial Service and Support Organization (CSSO-
E) 144
European support 24
events, printer 66
exit roller assembly
cleaning 51
removing 79
Exit Sensor flag
removing 90
troubleshooting 122
Exit Sensor, Paper (PS201)
jam detection 65
locating 63
operations 63
fabric, washing toner off 52
face-up output slot. See Front Output Slot
face-up/face-down lever. See paper path lever
factory default settings, returning to 45
faded print, troubleshooting 127
fasteners, types of 146
FCC statement 180
feed assembly
locating 147
part numbers 161
parts diagram 160
removing 106
roller operations 63
feed frame, paper
reinstalling 100
removing 97
feeding operations 63
Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) 22, 144
Finnish laser safety statement 178
firmware errors 125
first print 18
removing Paper Exit Sensor flag 90
troubleshooting 122
flashing lights 38, 121
flathead screwdrivers 71
flowchart, troubleshooting 116
clearing 45
downloaded 41
standard 14
storing information 58
Form Feed 40
bypassing 133
errors 125
functions 58
parts diagrams 156
removing 114
timing operations 66
voltage 57
frame, paper feed
reinstalling 100
removing 97
frequency specifications 18
Front Output Slot
feeding operations 63
locating 19
Front Panel Button
locating 19
using 40
FRUs (Field Replaceable Units) 22, 144
functional block diagram 54
fuser components, accessing 80
fuser errors 123
fuser exit roller
cleaning 51
removing 89
fuser pressure plate, removing 82
fuser roller, testing 138
locating 119
overcurrent protection 57
fusing element. See heating element
fusing problems 83
fusing stage 62
gear, paper pickup 92
Gold, HP LaserJet 6L 14
graphics, cut off 129
grease, pressure roller 87
grounding clips 94
grounding screws, DC Controller 111
memory door, removing 109
paper, locating 19
transfer roller, removing 101
half-self test functional check 134
hardware service options 28
hardware training kits, ordering 22
heating element
AC voltage control 56
avoid touching 51
life expectancy 48
locating 63
removing 84
resistance, normal 123
height, printer 33
hex-head screws 146
Service.book Page 183 Thursday, September 14, 2000 11:15 AM