Some of the MPC software’s menu items let you access features that cannot be accessed with
the MPC hardware.
 Keep in mind that the menu structure of the MPC software differs between a Windows PC and
a Mac computer.
 When loaded as plugin, the Menu button is located to the left of the Main tab.
File Menu
New Project creates a new empty project. Use this command when you want to start with a new
song from scratch.
New From Template loads a predefined template project. The idea is to create a project with
basic settings that suit your needs and save it as a preset for easy access. After saving your
customized default project, please open the Preferences in the Edit menu and select the Auto
Load tab, then choose the path for your template project. In the Mac MPC software, Preferences
is located in the MPC menu.
Load Recent provides shortcuts to the last five files you have been recently working with. The list
is chronological with the most recent file at the top.
Save Project saves the current MPC project. Within the Save Project dialog window you can
choose a data path for saving. You can also name your Project. The samples in the Project
Information list will be automatically saved with the Project. The Project file itself has an .xpj
extension, and its accompanying information (samples, MIDI files, Program file, etc.) are in a
folder with the same name on the same directory level.
Save Project as allows you to save the current project under a new name. The Save dialog is
similar to the "Save Project" dialog.
Save All Programs saves all Programs of your Project.
Save Current Program saves only the current Program.
Save Current Sequence saves only the current Sequence.
With the Export function, you can export your project or sequence data in various MPC formats
and as standard MIDI file as well as an audio mixdown file. Select the desired option from the
submenu. As MPC1000/MPC2500 Seq exports the current Sequence in MPC1000/2500 format
so that it can be read with the respective MPC hardware. As MPC1000/MPC2500 Prg exports the
current Program in MPC1000/2500 format. The same applies to As MPC5000 Seq/ Prg.
If you choose Midi Export, a separate window will open to let you export the actual Sequence as
a standard MIDI file. This is useful when you want to import your sequences into a sequencer
software or exchange your sequences with another musician. In the Export Midi dialog window
you can choose a data path for saving. You can also name your MIDI file. MIDI files are always
saved with the file extension ".mid."