
The Sample Edit Controls
The lower section offer various controls for editing a selected sample.
The EDIT Section
This section offers control elements for editing a sample as well
as selecting the edit mode (CHOP or TRIM). To read more about
the CHOP mode please refer to the end of this chapter. The
description below refers to the TRIM mode only.
X Use the data dial or the -/+ buttons on your MPC hardware to
select a sample for editing. The selected sample name is
shown at the top of your display.
In the MPC software, click on the EDIT SAMPLE pop-up menu
and select the desired sample.
The Q-Link knobs can be used to edit the start point, the loop
start point as well as the end point of the selected sample. The
procedure for MPC hardware and software is described
previously, in the Waveform Display section.
The PAD Section
In Sample Edit mode, you can use the pads for playing certain parts of the selected sample,
regardless of the selected Pad Bank. The following playback options can be triggered by hitting
the corresponding pad:
Play Loop (Pad 13) plays the sample repeatedly from
the loop point to the end point.
Play Sample (Pad 15) will play the whole sample as it
has been edited. You can also click in the waveform
display to activate the Play Sample function.
Play All (Pad 16) plays the whole sample regardless of
any edits.
Play to Start (Pad 10) plays the sample portion before
the start point. If the start point is set to 0, nothing will be
Play From Start (Pad 11) plays the sample from the
start point to the very end of the sample (regardless of a
set end point). If the start point is identical to the end
point, nothing will be played.
Play To Loop Start (Pad 06) plays the sample portion before the loop point.
Play From Loop Start (Pad 07) plays the sample part from the loop start point to the end
of the sample (regardless of a set end point). If the loop start point is identical to the end
point, nothing will be played.
Play To End (Pad 02) plays the sample portion from the start point to the end point.
Play From End (Pad 03) plays the sample part from the end point to the end of the
sample. If the end point is identical to the end of the sample, nothing will be played.