
CONTROLLER MOD SECTION (Keygroup Program only)
In this section, you set the influence of additional play controllers on various sound parameters.
X To edit the CONTROLLER MOD parameters, press the F5 button (Lfo Mod) on your MPC
hardware. Use Q-Link knobs Q2 – Q4 for direct access of all 3 parameters. Keep in mind that
these parameters are available only in KEYGROUP programs.
PITCH BEND determines the range of the pitchbend in semitones via a
connected MIDI keyboard. WHL>LFO (Wheel to LFO) determines the
effect of the modulation wheel on the LFO intensity via a connected
MIDI keyboard. And finally, AFT>FILT (Aftertouch to Filter Cutoff)
determines the effect of aftertouch on the filter cutoff via a connected MIDI keyboard
 To use these parameters, make sure that a connected MIDI device is able to send Pitch Bend
messages as well as Aftertouch and Modulation Wheel data.
Here you can select up to four audio insert effects for each pad. You can use various effects
included in your MPC software as well as optional VST/AU plugins installed on your computer.
 A list of all available MPC effects including their parameters can be found in the Appendix on
Page 93.
X To load and edit the effects, press the F6 button (Effects) on your MPC hardware. Use the
cursor buttons to move to the desired insert slot of the Send level. With the data dial or the -/+
buttons you can open an additional display page to select the desired effect type as well as
change the effect send level. Click F3 (Back) to close the Select Effect display page. Click on
F4 (Select) to load the selected effect.
X The Q-Link knobs can adjust the parameters, but you first need to assign them to the Q-Link
knobs in the software's Q-Link section. For more information on that please refer to Page 42.
X Or, you can open all effects parameters by pressing SHIFT + SEQ EDIT / EFFECTS on the
hardware. Here, you can add effects and edit their parameters with F6 (Edit). The effects can
be applied to individual pads, entire tracks, or the master mix. Note that effects assigned to the
master mix cannot have their parameters assigned to the Q-Link knobs, though.
The Effects section in the display of the MPC hardware