Dimensions: 7.2 cm (W) × 12.1 cm (D) × 3.5 cm (H)
Weight: 140 g
Power Requirement: 13.8 VDC
Temperature Range: Operating: -5ºF to 160ºF
(-20ºC to 70ºC)
Storage: -40ºF to 185ºF
(-40ºC to 85ºC)
360º Laser Detector
Receiver Type: Pulse Laser Signal Receiver
Sensor Front End: Convex Condenser Lens
Detector Type: Pulse Width Discriminator
Receiver Bandwidth: 30 MHz
Spectral Response: 800 - 1100 nm
Alert Hold Time: 3 seconds
Radar Detector
Receiver Type: Double Conversion Superheterodyne
Self-Contained Antenna
Detector Type: Scanning Frequency Discriminator
Antenna Type: Linear polarized, E vector vertical
Sensitivity: X-band = -114 dBm/cm2
K-band = -104 dBm/cm2
Ka-band = -100 dBm/cm2
Frequency of 10.490 - 10.560 GHz (X-band)
Operation: 24.040 - 24.260 GHz (K-band)
34.400 - 34.800 GHz (Ka-band)
GPS Navigator
Receiver Type Parallel 12 channels spread spectrum
signal receiver
Antenna Type Circular polarized dielectric patch
Positioning Accuracy 100 m (Probability 95%)
Features, specifications, and availability of optional accessories are all
subject to change without notice.
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