Toshiba 48-1250 A Remote Starter User Manual

TD - Series
- 29 -
TD Series Digital Solid State Soft Starter 48 - 1250A
F049 = Thermal Capacity to Start
Factory Setting = Not Applicable
Range = 0 - 100 % Thermal Capacity
Display for information only; value cannot be altered by the user.
Readout only for user’s viewing of the motor Thermal Capacity
percentage required to allow a Reset after an Overload Trip. Use this
function in conjunction with the Remaining Thermal Capacity to be
able to predict when a restart will be allowed. This value is automatically
updated by the TD whenever a successful start sequence has been
accomplished. The TD essentially “learns” how much Thermal Capacity
is needed in the motor in order to successfully restart, and stores the
information at this Function.
5.5.7 Relays
There are three programmable relays (rated 240VAC, 5A, 1200 VA) on the TD
Series. They can be programmed for change of state indication for any one of
the 18 conditions identified in the chart to the left.
F050 = Aux Relay 1
Factory Setting = 1 (Run / Stop)
Range = 1 - 18 (See list.)
Use to program the desired operation for Relay # 1.
F051 = Aux Relay 2
Factory Setting = 2 (At Speed / Stop)
Range = 1 - 18 (See list.)
Use to program the desired operation for Relay # 2.
F052 = Aux Relay 3
Factory Setting = 14 (Any Trip)
Range = 1 - 18 (See list.)
Use to program the desired operation for Relay # 3.
F053 - F054 = Reserved
5.5.8 Communications
The TD Soft Starter features built-in serial communications via RS-485 hardware
and Modbus RTU protocol software. The TD Soft Starter is a “passive”
communication device which responds and/or replies to the commands of “active”
host devices such as personal computers, SCADA systems, PLCs with ASCII
ports, DCS and other industrial systems.
F055 = Communications
Factory Setting = 0 (Disabled)
Range = 0 - 1
When F055 = 1, the TD Soft Starter will communicate with remote
monitoring and control systems.
F056 = Baud Rate
Factory Setting = 9.6 KB
Range = 9.6 to 38.4 KB
Set value to either 9.6 KB, 19.2 KB or 38.4 KB and match the setting
of the host device.
F057 = Modbus Address
Factory Setting = 1
Range = 1 - 247
The Modbus communications protocol allows each node to have up to
247 connected devices but each must have a unique address. Two
devices with the same address will result in a communications error.
F058 - F059 = Reserved
Relay Setting
1 Run / Stop
2 At Speed / Stop
3 At Speed / End of Decel
4 Start / End of Decel
5 Short SCR Trip
6 Phase Loss Trip
7 Shunt Trip
8 Over Load Trip
9 Over Temperature Trip
10 Short Circuit Trip
11 Current Imbalance Trip
12 Over Current Trip
13 Under Current Trip
14 Any Trip (5 - 13)
15 Coastdown Time
16 Starts Per Hour
17 Time Between Starts
18 Any Lockout (15 - 17)