Toshiba 48-1250 A Remote Starter User Manual

TD - Series
- 35 -
TD Series Digital Solid State Soft Starter 48 - 1250A
Chapter 7 - Fault Conditions
7.1 Fault Codes and Numbers (in History)
A three-character fault code is displayed in the LED display at the time of the trip
event. For instance, if Function F003 (overload protection) is set too low for the
size of the load, the code “oLA” will be displayed. Its corresponding number will
be entered into the fault history. In this case, the number 0010 will be available for
display in the window of function F075 (Fault History). The time the fault was
detected is available in Function F076. It is expressed as So if the “oLA”
fault occurred at 10:00 am, F076 would display 10.00. The date the fault occurred
is available in Function F077. The date is expressed as mm.dd. So if the “oLA”
fault occurred on March 1, F077 would display 03.01.
If there are no fault conditions in history, the display in F075 would read 0000.
Over Current During Accel
(Current) Imbalance During
Over Load During Accel
Fault Code Examples:
Fault Number
(Shown in F075,
F078, F081)
Fault Code
@ Trip/Event
1 oCA Over Current Over Current During Acceleration
2 oCC Over Current Over Current During Constant Speed
3 oCd Over Current Over Current During Decel (or Stop)
4 PLA Phase Loss Phase Loss During Acceleration
5 PLC Phase Loss Phase Loss During Constant Speed
6 PLd Phase Loss Phase Loss During Decel (or Stop)
7 oTA Over Temp Over Temperature During Acceleration
8 oTC Over Temp Over Temperature During Constant Speed
9 oTd Over Temp Over Temperature During Decel (or Stop)
10 oLA Over Load Over Load During Acceleration
11 oLC Over Load Over Load During Constant Speed
12 oLd Over Load Over Load During Decel (or Stop)
13 SSA Shorted SCR Shorted SCR During Acceleration
14 SSC Shorted SCR Shorted SCR During Constant Speed
15 SSd Shorted SCR Shorted SCR During Decel (or Stop)
16 ST Shunt Trip Shunt Trip During Acceleration
17 ST Shunt Trip Shunt Trip During Constant Speed
18 ST Shunt Trip Shunt Trip During Decel (or Stop)
19 ibA NA Phase Imbalance Current During Acceleration
20 ibC NA Phase Imbalance Current During Constant Speed
21 ibd NA Phase Imbalance Current During Decel (or Stop)
22 UCA NA Under Current During Acceleration
23 UCC NA Under Current During Constant Speed
24 UCd NA Under Current During Decel (or Stop)
25 SCA Over Current Short Circuit During Acceleration
26 SCC Over Current Short Circuit During Constant Speed
27 SCd Over Current Short Circuit During Decel (or Stop)