Parker Hannifin Corporation
Automation Actuator Division
Wadsworth, OH 44281
ER Series Rodless Actuator
PM-ER01/USA Maintenance Instructions and Parts List
Assembly Requirements
Part Description Lubricant/Adhesive
Cylinder rod-end - Female Loctite 271
Flat Head Cap Screw Loctite 242
Set screw Loctite 242
Cylinder rod-end - Male Loctite 271
Tie rod bolt and tie rod nut Loctite 271
Apply between the tie rod
bolt and nut only.
Screw support bearing Grease
If not sealed
Fastener Adhesives
The following parts, when assembled, require the use of industrial lubricants or adhesives as indicated.
Part Numbers ER32 ER50 ER80
Description Screw Belt Size in-lb Nm Size in-lb Nm Size in-lb Nm
Roller Plate SHCS 8 8 M3 19 2.1 M4 41 4.6 M5 84 9.5
Roller Retainer FHCS (SH) 7 (10) 7 (10) M3(M4) 11(25) 1.2(2.8) M3(M4) 11(41) 1.2(4.6) M6(M6) 84(84) 9.5(9.5)
Square Rail Bearing SHCS 23 n/a M3 11 1.2 M3 11 1.2 M5 84 9.5
Bearing Locknut SHCS 37A n/a M3 11 1.2 M3 11 1.2 M4 50 4
Actuator Tie Bolts 38,40 38/40 M5,M6 85 9.6 M6,M8 210 23.7 M8,M10 415 46.9
Coupler SHCS (Servo)
Coupler SHCS (Step/DC)
3/32 11 1.2 7/64 11 1.2 5/32 41 4.6
Motor Adaptor SH/FHCS 4 4 M3 11 1.2 M5 50 5.7 M6 50 5.7
Motor Mounting Bolts 11,12
M5 50 5.7 M5,M6 50,85 5.7,9.6 M5,M6 50,85 5.7,9.6
Parallel Flange BHCS 15 15 M4 41 4.6 M5 50 5.7 M6 85 9.6
Parallel Cover BHCS 11 11 M3 11 1.2 M4 41 4.6 M5 50 5.7
Drive Pulley SHCS
M2,M5 11 1.2 M2,5 11 1.2 M3,M4 11,41 1.2,4.6
Load Attachment SHCS 18 18 M3 11 1.2 M4 25 2.8 M5 84 9.5
Strip Clamp BHCS 35 35 M4 25 2.8 M4 25 2.8 M4 25 2.8
Strip Guide SHCS 20 20 M3 11 1.2 M4 25 2.8 M4 25 2.8
Nut Retainer FHCS 13 13 M4 25 2.8 M4 25 2.8 M6 84 9.5
Not pictured; coupler parts are 9A and 9B
11 for inline, 12 for parallel mounting
Fastener Torque Table