Appendix E – DL Commands
DL™ User Manual Rev 3 61
If no SITE LEAVE or SITE CANCEL command is issued prior to a the completion of a logging session (schedule,
POWERUP or manual), a SITE LEAVE command is performed automatically once the logging session is complete.
There are multiple syntactical forms, as shown below:
Syntax 1:
Command Option Description
SITE - Command
keyword (none) This command causes the 10 most recent site records to be displayed (most recent first) as a
sequence of SITELOGA messages. If there are fewer than 10 logs, a MSGA log containing a
CMDFAIL message will follow the SITELOGA logs. There is no limit on the number of
SITELOGA logs entered into a single log file.
LEAVE This command causes the current time to be entered in the site record as the departure time,
and the site data to be written to the log file. Attempting to perform a SITE ADD when a SITE
LEAVE command for a previously added site has not been issued, is an error.
CANCEL This serves to undo the SITE ADD command for the current site, deleting it. This operation is
not reversible.
site leave
site cancel
Syntax 2:
This command creates a new site in the system, with a time stamp corresponding to the current time. This command is
used to announce arrival at a site. DL assigns an identification code to each site; up to 999 sites can be defined, with the
first one being numbered 1. Specific site information can be entered or updated using the SITE UPDATE command.
Attempting to perform a SITE ADD when a SITE LEAVE command for a previously-added site has not been issued, is
an error.
If no SITE ADD command is issued prior to a logging session (scheduled, POWERUP or manual), a SITE ADD
command is performed automatically at the beginning of the logging session with the parameters “name” and “attribute”
set to the log filename and 0, respectively.
attribute [aheight[ameasure]]
Command Option Description Default
SITE ADD - Command
name Enter a descriptive name (up to 32 alphanumeric characters, no spaces)
to define the site where data collection occurs.
attribute Enter an integer code (an integer up to 4 digits long, of your choosing)
that describes this type of site.
aheight (Optional) Enter the antenna’s height, in meters.
ameasure (Optional) Enter a code (up to 16 alphanumeric characters, no spaces)
that describes how the antenna’s height was determined.