Appendix E – DL Commands
54 DL™ User Manual Rev 3
loggroup alpha
loggroup alpha test
loggroup alpha com2
Syntax 2:
This form of the command terminates manual logging, allowing scheduled logging to resume. If no argument is given,
all logging is disabled, and scheduled operation resumes. Note that to disable logging to a file, you would enter
“loggroup disable file” without mentioning a specific file name. Similarly, to disable logging to a serial port, you would
enter “loggroup disable com1” or “loggroup disable com2”.
If multiple log groups are active, and subsequently some are disabled individually, scheduled operation resumes when no
active log groups remain.
To stop scheduled logging, use the "schedule abort" command that disables logging for the remainder of a scheduled
event. The next schedule event will then start normally.
Command Option Description
LOGGROUP - Command
keyword FILE Enter this word to disable logging to a file. Do not enter a
specific file name.
COM1 or COM2 Enter one of these words to disable logging to a serial port.
loggroup disable
loggroup disable file
loggroup disable com1
This command is used to control the display and logging of meteorological conditions. Upon receipt of a METS
command, a META log is inserted into the current log file.
If the command is issued without any of the optional fields, the 10 most recent meteorological records are displayed
(most recent first) as a sequence of META logs. If there are fewer than 10 records, a MSGA log containing a CMDFAIL
message follows the META logs.
You can also use this command to specify the ambient meteorological conditions. Enter up to 3 of the optional fields in
any order, provided that the syntax is observed.
[press=hPa] [humid=percent]
Command Option Description Default
METS - Command
temp= temperature Specify ambient temperature, in degrees centigrade
press= pressure Specify ambient barometric pressure, in hectopascals (1 hPa = 1 mbar)
humid= humidity Specify ambient relative humidity, as a percentage
mets press=996.5
mets humid=89 temp=28 press=996.5