User's manual NAVIGON 7100 | 7110
Managing Destinations - 29 -
6.1 Saving a destination
1. Enter a destination as described in "Specifying a new destination"
on page 20. Do not tap the Start
Navigation button!.
2. Tap on Options
> Save Destination.
- OR –
1. Select a destination from the L
AST DESTINATIONS list as described in
chapter "Last Destinations" on page 25. Do not tap the Start
Navigation button!
2. Tap on Options
> Save as Favourite.
3. Enter a name for the destination.
4. If you want to define the destination as your home address, tap on
(Toggle) button so that the value Yes is highlighted in
5. Tap the Save
6.2 Defining a destination as home address
Only one destination from the FAVOURITES list can be defined as your
home address.
You can then begin navigation to this destination very quickly by
tapping the Take Me Home
button in the MAIN WINDOW.
1. Select the destination which you want to define as your home
address from the F
AVOURITES list. (See chapter "Favourites" on
page 25)
2. Tap on
> Home Address.
The selected destination has now been saved as your home address.
Your home address now appears in the F
AVOURITES list marked by a
house symbol.
6.3 Setting up a voice command
1. Select the destination from the FAVOURITES list for which you would
like to set up a voice command. (see chapter "Favourites" on
page 25)
2. Tap
> Store a Voice Command.
You will be prompted by a dialog window to repeat the voice
command into the NAVIGON 7100 | 7110 for the selected
3. Repeat the command for the selected destination into the
NAVIGON 7100 | 7110.