User’s manual NAVIGON 3100 | 3110
- 18 - Navigation
4.3.1 Last Destinations
MobileNavigator saves the last 30 destinations to which you have
navigated, in the L
1. In the M
AIN WINDOW, tap on My Destinations > Last Destinations.
2. Tap the destination to which you would like to navigate.
3. Tap the Start Navigation
The map screen opens in Preview mode.
For detailed information on how to start the navigation system, please
refer to chapter "
Starting navigation" on page 19.
4.3.2 Favourites
Preferred destinations can be saved in the FAVOURITES list.
In the F
AVOURITES list, up to 300 destinations can be saved.
Information on how to store a destination can be found in the "
Saving a
destination" chapter on page
1. In the MAIN WINDOW, tap on My Destinations > Favourites.
2. Tap the destination to which you would like to navigate.
3. Tap Start Navigation
The map screen opens in Preview mode.
For detailed information on how to start the navigation system, please
refer to chapter "
Starting navigation" on page 19.
4.4 Navigation homewards
In MobileNavigator you can save your address as Home Address. You
can navigate to your Home Address by tapping a single button.
The first time you tap the Take Me Home
button, you will be requested
to enter your address.
Further information about entering your home address can be found in
chapter "
Define destination as home address" on page 20.
1. In the MAIN WINDOW, tap the Take Me Home button.
If you have not entered an address, a pop-up window will notify you.
The navigation starts. The route profile of the previous navigation