Michelin Navigation GPS Receiver User Manual

Save this file in the folder of your choice.
Check that your ViaMich
elin Navigation X-930 system is connected and that the link
category of saved addresses to which imported saved addresses will be
aMichelin Navigation X-930, you can set the display
and the POI Warner as you want.
n Opéra"
43.484898, "Centre Bayonne"
8.4. Creating a new icon
Paint" drawing program (MSPAINT.EXE). To open:
pixels or 22x22 pixels and colours, then click "OK".
ve As, give your icon a name and select the format "Bitmap 256 colours
in the folder of your choice.
Close "Paint".
with your PC is workin
Start "POI Manager".
Select the saved "asc" file in the folder of your choice and confirm.
Select the
After importing the file into your Vi
; Sample File
; Longitude, Latitude, "Name of saved item"
; =========== ============ =========================
2.3336 , 48.8675 , "Boutique Micheli
2.2935 , 48.8587 , "Tour Eiffel"
; End of file
On the PC, open the "
In Image/Attributes, select: 16x16
In View/Zoom, select Large Size.
Using the pencil, the brushes,... and the colour box, draw your icon.
In File/Sa
Save your icon