• You go directly to the "Select Town/Post code" screen.
• Enter the name of the town or postcode by clicking the appropriate letters or numbers.
• If the message “No address matches your request. Please try a new search” appears,
click "OK" and enter a new town name.
• By default, the last state in which you made a search is stored in memory. If you want to
change the state being searched, click the State button top left and select a new state.
For more details, refer to "§6.6 Notes and Tips".
• Click "Search" to start the search. The "Cancel" button stops the current search.
• If there are several towns that meet your criteria, a list of towns is displayed. Click on the
direction arrows to view all the towns found.
• Click the town you want, or click "Change" if you want to modify the search criteria. You
then return to the "Select Town/Post code" page.
• Enter the name of the POI you want.
• Click "Search" to start the search. The "Cancel" button stops the current search.
• If there are several POIs that meet your criteria, a list of POIs is displayed. Click on the
direction arrows to view all the POIs found.
• Click the POI you want, or click "Change" if you want to modify the search criteria. You
then return to the "POI" screen.
• Then click the POI you want.
• You then access the POI description screen.