Application Threading
Application Filetate Nm Kgm Lb/ft
Vite fiss. superiore motore
Screw fixing engine upper side M10x1,25 26,5÷29,4 2,7÷3 19,5÷21,7
Vis de fixation supérieure moteur
Vite fiss. cavallotto frizione
Screw fixing clutch connec tion M6x1 4,7÷5,1 0,48÷0,52 3,5÷3,8
Vis de fixation crampillon embrayage
Vite fiss. cavallotto freno anteriore
Screw fixing front brake connection M6x1 4,7÷5,1 0,48÷0,52 3,5÷3,8
Vis de fixation crampillon frein avant
Vite fiss. tubazione freno ant. sulla pompa freno 18,1÷20,1 1,85÷2,05 13,4÷14,8
Screw for fixing the front brake pipes on brake pump
Vis de fixation tuyauterie frein avant sur la pompe frein
23,5÷25,5 2,4÷2,6 17,3÷18,8
Vite fiss. pedale freno posteriore
Screw fixing rear brake pedal M10x1,25 (*) 39÷44 4,0÷4,5 29÷32,5
Vis de fixation pédale frein arrière
Vite fiss. pompa freno posteriore
Screw fixing rear brake pump M6x1 9,8÷10,8 1,0÷1,1 7,2÷8,0
Vis de fixation pompe frein arrière
Vite fiss. tubazione freno posteriore
Screw fixing rear brake pipe M10x1 18,1÷20,1 1,85÷2,05 13,4÷14,8
Vis de fixation tuyauterie frein arrière
Vite fiss. serbatoio fluido freno
Screw fixing brake fluid tank M6x1 2,35÷2,55 0,24÷0,26 1,73÷1,88
Vis de fixation reservoirs fluide des freins
Interruttore stop posteriore (WR)
Rear light switch (WR) M10x1 13,8÷15,7 1,4÷1,6 10,1÷11,6
Interrupteur feux de stop (WR)
Vite fiss. camma regolazione pedale freno
Screw for fixing the brake pedal adjusting cam
M6x1 12,2÷13,3 1,24÷1,36 9÷9,8
Vis de fixation came de réglage pédale du frein
Vite fiss. steli forcella
Screw fixing forkrods M8x1,25 23,5÷25,5 2,4÷2,6 17,3÷18,8
Vis de fixation tiges fourche
Vite fiss. perno ruota anteriore
Screw fixing front wheel axle M10x1,5 44÷55 5,0÷5,5 36,2÷39,8
Vis de fixation pivot roue avant
Ghiera reg. cuscinetti sterzo (1° avvitamento)
Ring nut for handlebar bearing adjustment (1st turn) M25x1 3,2÷3,6 0,33÷0,37 2,4÷2,7
Collier de réglage paliers de direction (1ère vissage)
Dado perno di sterzo
Nut for handlebar pin M24x1 79÷87 8,1÷8,9 58÷64
Ecrou pivot de direction
(*): “LOCTITE 242”
IMP.12-250/360-2002 11-12-2001 11:45 Pagina 250