1 - 6 3200 User’s Guide
Reading Techniques
The imager has a bright red aiming beam that corresponds to its horizontal field
of view. The aiming beam should be centered horizontally over the barcode; it
will not read if the aiming beam is in any other direction.
The best focus point for reading most code densities is about 5 inches (12.7 cm)
from the unit. To read a single barcode or multiple barcodes (on a page or on
an object), hold the imager at an appropriate distance from the target, pull the
trigger, and center the aiming beam on the barcode.
Resetting the Standard Product Defaults
If you aren’t sure what programming options are in your imager, or you’ve
changed some options and want the factory settings restored, scan the
Standard Product Default Settings
barcode below.
The Menu Commands starting on page 9-1 lists the factory default settings for
each of the commands (indicated by an asterisk (*) on the programming pages).
Good Technique
Bad Technique
Bad Technique
Standard Product Default Settings