Using the Find Menu
Using the Find Menu
You can search for Waypoints, Cities or Exits that are included in the StreetPilot III basemap using
the Find Menu. In addition, if you are using optional City Navigator map data, you can search for
and fi nd Points of Interest, Addresses, or Intersections. Your current location is normally used as the
reference point for the ‘Nearest’, ‘Distance’, and ‘Direction’ features. However, if you are using the
panning arrow (Map Pointer), it is used as the reference point.
Finding items ‘by Name’ or ‘by Nearest’
Personal Waypoints, Cities, and Points of Interest on the Find Menu can be viewed in two formats,
‘By Name’ (a list of every item available for a category) or ‘By Nearest’ (a list of only those items for
a category that are nearby). The Find Nearest lists (nearest businesses, cities, waypoints, and exits)
update continuously. The yellow highlight can be introduced by pressing ENTER or any direction
on the rocker keypad. Introducing the highlight allows you to scroll through and select any of the
nearest items listed and it also freezes the list in its current order. To remove the highlight and resume
continuous searching for nearest items, press the QUIT key.
To switch between ‘By Name’ and ‘Nearest’:
1. Press the MENU key.
2. Highlight ‘Find Nearest’ or ‘Find By Name’ and press ENTER.
Finding an item by name:
1. The fi rst character in the name fi eld at the top of the page will be selected. Begin entering the
name of the item you want, using the method for entering each letter or number described on
page 11.
2. When you can see that the names of the items in the list below are near the name of the item
you want, press ENTER.
The Find Menu uses the built in basemap and optional
City Navigator CD Map Data.
You can fi nd items by name or search for nearby items
by category.
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