30 StreetPilot 2820 Owner’s Manual
Step 2: Create an Audible Account and download
Go to http://garmin.audible.com and create an
Audible.com account. After you create an account, download
AudibleManager to your personal computer. You can also purchase
a book now.
Step 3: Activate Your StreetPilot with AudibleManager
Before you can listen to a book you have downloaded from
Audible.com, you must activate your StreetPilot to use with
1. Disconnect your StreetPilot from your computer: double-
click the Unplug or Eject icon in your system tray.
Select “USB Mass Storage Device” and click Stop. Select
the StreetPilot drives and click OK. Unplug the USB cable
from your StreetPilot.
2. From your computer’s desktop, double-click the
AudibleManager icon to open AudibleManager.
3. In the “Choose your device” window, click the box next to
“Garmin” to place a check mark in the box. Click Next.
4. Enter your Audible user name and password. Click Next.
5. Connect your StreetPilot to your computer using the USB
cable. Touch USB Mass Storage. Wait a few moments for
AudibleManager to detect your StreetPilot.
6. Select Activate my player(s) and click Next.
7. Please wait while AudibleManager attempts to activate your
StreetPilot. Upon completion, a message appears saying
the process was successful. Click Finish.
NOTE: If you are unable to connect to the Internet or have any
other problems activating your StreetPilot, refer to the Audible
Manager Help file. Select Help from the menu and click Help.
Loading Audible Books to Your StreetPilot
Each time you want to load an audible book to your StreetPilot,
follow these steps:
Step 1: Connect the StreetPilot to your computer
1. Connect the mini-USB connector to the back of the
2. Connect the larger end of the cable to an available USB
port on your computer.