A2677 Rev 1.5
X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
• Manual—when selected (by selecting Manual on the Switchbox
or MANUAL from the Sprayer Working screen) the MANUAL
button will become highlighted and a green indicator will be
shown on the MANUAL button
When MANUAL is selected the Spray Controller does not
automatically adjust the flow, according to speed and area.
Pressing the INC & DEC buttons will increase or decrease the
pressure by opening or closing the regulator valve.
• Pressure Readout—displays the system pressure if an electronic
Pressure Sensor is installed and selected in Options, see
"Pressure (Pr) Sense", see "Pressure Sensor", page 8-15
The number in the top left corner indicates which tank (1,2 or 3)
the pressure readout is from.
Selecting the Pressure Readout button displays a Tank Pressure
window on the right of the screen, see "Pressure Sensor", page
• Volume—displays volume per minute (for the front line) or
volume per nozzle (for the front line nozzles), depending on
which was selected, see "Flow", page 10-6
Selecting the Volume button displays a Flow window, on the
right side of the screen, see "Flow", page 10-6.
• Pump is On—this button only appears when the Spray ECU,
Prop. Valve and Enable Pump Control buttons are all selected
When selected the button says PUMP is ON and turns green; this
switches the hydraulic pump ON.
When selected again the button says PUMP is OFF and turns
red; this switches the hydraulic pump OFF.