X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Rate The Rate display is ltered to prevent the numbers
from continually changing. If the achieved rate is
within 5% of the target rate, the display will only
show the target rate, but the system will still control
to the target rate. If an error of less than 5% persists,
the error is reported as a rate alarm after approxi-
mately 1 minute. When rst turning the Sprayer on,
the system should control to rate within 10 seconds,
subject to the position of the Regulator Valve when it
was last turned off. If the 'Close Valve When Off' is
selected with a slow valve, ie, 20 second type, it may
take longer, but this is because the option is selected
when it shouldn't be. Because of the ltering, the
display may take up to 30 seconds to stabilize if there
is a long adjustment required to change the rate with
a slow valve. This can result in a false Rate alarm
where the actual rate displayed is still catching up to
the target rate. The Sprayer is usually controlling cor-
rectly, which can be checked by checking the pressure
reading, it is just the display that is sluggish.
The alarm default is set to 'Repeat While Present'
and as the alarm is critical, needs to sound while the
condition is present. As applies to all alarms, they can
be changed to different cycle patterns, with differing
Tank Empty This alarm simply states that the calculated volume
has reached zero. If there is still spray in the tank,
the system will still operate giving the volume used
still accumulating, and the tank volume as a negative
gure. The default setting is one alarm cycle only, but
other alarms will sound when the tank realy runs out.