A2677 Rev 1.5
X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Problem 19
Rate and Pressure do not match unless whole Boom is ON
The Sprayer software is capable of controlling systems that use Bal-
anced Valves. These valves are used by Hardi, and need to be ad-
justed regularly. These valves, when closed, bypass the ow from the
Boom Section back to the tank. This bypass ow is adjustable. The
idea of the system is to maintain Sprayer pressure when turning the
booms off or on. In a normal system, when a boom is turned off, the
Sprayer is working with a lesser width, and the regulator reduces the
pressure to maintain the ow rate for the remaining Sprayer width.
This can affect the nozzle performance and thus the effectiveness of
the Sprayer. With a balanced valve system, the pressure is maintained
and thus the spray pattern.
In the X20 Sprayer Program, when Balance valves are ticked, the
Flow Meter pulses are reduced by the proportion of the boom that is
turned off. Control is still maintained, and if the valves are balanced
properly, the pressure will not change with any variation in which
booms are operating.
If the Balanced valve option is ticked WITHOUT balanced valves
tted, the pressure will rise when a boom is turned off. If it is NOT
ticked with balanced valves tted, the pressure will drop excessively
when a boom is turned off.