A2677 Rev 1.5
X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Problem 26
Alarm keeps sounding
Alarm Type Information
There are various alarms built into the Sprayer software to indicate
when things are not right. The following text covers all of the alarms,
their settings and what they mean. Any alarm for a facility not in-
stalled should normally be set to Never Alarm. Common uninstalled
functions include Pump speed and
Rate The Rate alarm indicates that the Sprayer is not
controlling to the programmed rate in Auto. This
shows up on the operating screen with the value in the
Rate window alternating from the target rate (Yellow
background) to the actual rate, (White background)
If the actual rate is zero, this could be a faulty ow-
meter, out of spray, pump failure, or faulty harness.
If the rate is low, it usually indicates pump problems
or other plumbing issues with ow, including pump
too small for the rate being attempted at the speed the
Sprayer is running at. If achieved rate is higher, this
could be due to the regulator being jammed, faulty, or
fully at one end of travel with blockages in the return
line from the regulator.