X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Compare this volume with the value shown in the Flow 9.
readout, volume/nozzle/minute directly under the Manual
button, this is the "Calculated" amount
Write the "Calculated" value down 10.
Select the 11. Tank icon
The Tank Setup window will be displayed (Figure 10-5 on
page 10-13)
Write down the current Cal. Factor for the Flow Meter as 12.
Using the formula below, calculate the new Cal. Factor: 13.
Current Cal. Factor X "Calulated" Amount = New Cal. Factor
"Actual" Amount
Enter the New Cal. Factor using the Manual Entry method 14.
(page 8-38).
Please note: Jug tests are not as accurate as the total volume
measurement as some errors will exist due to misting, over spray,
nozzle tolerances and variations in flow rates through boom hoses.