X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Problem 20
Rate goes up when slowing down
This is an indication of the Regulator Valve not controlling and could
be caused by a number of things. There are 3 minimum hold settings
in the Conguration Options. The rst is Nozzle Minimum Flow.
This would be set at the minimum ow rate recommended by the
nozzle manufacturer for the nozzles tted to the Sprayer. The second
hold point is for the Flow Meter, and is set at the minimum ow rate
for the Flow Meter. For example, the Polmac Flow Meter has a mini-
mum ow of 20 l/min. The third hold is a Low Pressure Hold based
on vehicle speed. Depending on the speed, application rate and active
booms, different holds would become effective at different times. On
the operating screen, the system will show as being in Manual with
the red Bar in the ow rate button lit up.
Problem 23
Incorrect volumes
Flow Meter Calibration gure is wrong. This calibration gure
can change over time due to wear and pump dynamics. The FCAL
supplied by the manufacturer is usually only accurate under certain
conditions. The build and design of the Sprayer could effect the
calibration of the Flow Meter, such as an elbow at the Flow Meter
connection. This creates turbulence within the Flow Meter, which
will change with the rate of ow throughout the Flow Meter. A Flow
Meter calibration should be performed periodically to ensure contin-
ued accuracy of the system.