X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Problem 25
Nozzles losing pattern when slowing down
Sprayer nozzles need a minimum pressure to maintain an effective
spray pattern. When operating in Auto, the pressure is reduced when
slowing down to keep the application rate at the desired level. When
operating with Auto Section Control, the system will turn booms off
as required according to the settings for the ASC. This can result in
single sections being on, speed down due to turning, with a corre-
sponding very low pressure. This results in the loss of spray fan with
ineffective Sprayer coverage.
By setting the limits as described in index 18 above, the Sprayer will
go into 'Hold' before this problem shows up. When operating in this
mode, the Sprayer will actually be over applying, but in most applica-
tions, this is preferable to missing bits.