X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Problem 14
Rate Unstable
The X20 has a selection of Regulator valves speciî‚żed by the
manufacturer in the valve settings options. The Standard option suits
all valves supplied by Topcon and many others with speeds varying
from 6 seconds to 30 seconds.
The Max On Time is the maximum time power is applied to the
valve to correct the rate. If the target rate and the current rate are
widely different, this is the maximum time that the valve will be
driven before power will be removed and if necessary, reapplied. If
this value is too low, the system will be sluggish and slow to respond.
The maximum value will suit most applications.
The Min On Time is the minimum or shortest time that the power
will be applied to the Regulator Valve. The maximum value will also
suit most systems. If set too low, the valve may not move when a
small correction is required.
The PWM Setting varies the average voltage applied to the valve
motor. At 100%, a full 12 Volts is applied, whereas at the lesser
settings reduce the voltage to the percentage shown. The reduced
voltage makes the valve turn slower and is helpful when trying to
correct an overshooting problem with the faster valves, 6 seconds
etc. The slow valves, 20 seconds, usually need to be 100% for good
The Gain Setting is simply like a volume control, how hard the
controller is going to respond to changes required. The second level
down will suit most applications.
The Micro-trak setting is designed for the Micro-trak Regulator
Valve which is a fast control valve.