A2677 Rev 1.5
X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Windows and Titles• —Each page is broken into areas called
windows (Figure A-2 on page A2), these windows are bordered
by a thin grey line
Each window has a title (Figure A-2 on page A2), which gives a
description of the options available in that window.
Enabling boxes• —are options identied with square white
checkboxes lying next to the written option
The operator can often check more than one enabling option, in
a window. You choose the enabling option that applies to your
system and setup.
Selection options• —are options identied with white circular
radio buttons lying next to the written option
Only one selection option can be selected in a window. At least
one of the selection options must be selected.
Buttons• —allow the operator to access extra options
Up and Down arrows (▲▼)• —Next to some display windows
(Figure A-2 on page A2) there are up and down arrows, which
when pressed alter the current value shown in the display
window, without using the calculator button.
Usually a mouse is required to use the up and down arrows.
The Up arrow (▲) increases the value displayed in the display
The Down arrow (▼) decreases the value displayed in the
display window.