
Barcode Version 1
Barcode Version 1
The Version 1 command for printing a barcode is:
Command Default Ratio: ^{B,C}ax<data>^G
Variable Ratio: ^{B,C}a9x<ratio><data>^G
^{B,C} B to print a horizontal barcode, or C to print a
vertical barcode.
a One of the following characters:
B, prints the OCR-B font three dots below the
N, turns OFF auto-printing.
O, turns ON OCR auto-printing.
S, prints OCR-A 0.10 inch below the barcode.
T, prints OCR-B 0.10 inch below the barcode.
Y, turns ON OCR-A auto-printing.
9 Selects the variable ratio feature.
x The character from Table 3 that corresponds to the
desired barcode style.
<ratio> A sequence of bar/space ratios of the form r1r2r3r4
or r1r2r3r4r5r6r7r8, where r variables take on
values 00 through 0F, hexidecimal.
<data> The data to be encoded.
^G Command Terminator
Example 1: The Graphics Pass ^M0515000^BNA12345^G^- prints:
^M0515000 Turns ON the Graphics Pass Mode. The barcode
height is 0.5 inches and the vertical justification is 0
^B Indicates the barcode orientation will be horizontal.
N No human readable characters will be printed
below the barcode.
A The Code 39 barcode style (see Table 3).
12345 The data to be encoded as a barcode.