
Data Field Characters
Data Field Characters
All of the barcodes presented in this chapter use the numeric characters 0-9
(HEX 30-39). The only exceptions to this rule are the Code 39 Barcode and
the Code 128B Barcode. The Code 39 and Code 128B barcodes will also
print alpha characters and some symbols.
None of the barcodes can use the SFCC as part of a data field.
Code 39 Data Field Characters
The data field length for Code 39 Barcodes is variable. It is best to limit field
length to no more than 32 characters to minimize the potential for scanning
Tab le 40 lists the available characters for Code 39 Barcodes.
Table 40. Code 39 Character Set
Character HEX Value Character HEX Value Character HEX Value
Space 20 8 38 M 4D
$ 24 9 39 N 4E
% 25 A 41 O 4F
+ 2B B 42 P 50
- 2D C 43 Q 51
. 2D D 44 R 52
/ 2F E 45 S 53
0 30 F 46 T 54
1 31 G 47 I 55
2 32 H 48 V 56
3 33 I 49 W 57
4 34 J 4A X 58
5 35 K 4B Y 59
6 36 L 4C Z 5A
7 37