
EXECUTE Mode (Normal)
idir; Optional field specifying whether
the data field will be incremented or
Enter a plus sign +; or leave this field blank
to increment in a positive direction.
Enter a minus sign -; to decrement the
STEPMASK; This parameter is the increment
information field that defines the
number of character positions in
the data field, the increment
amount for each position, and
which positions will be
See the previous explanation on
Incremented Static Alphanumeric Strings
for how to construct the STEPMASK
RPTn; Optional parameter that specifies
the number of times this field value
is repeated before it is
Enter RPT followed by a numeric value
from 1 to 65,535, then the parameter
delimiter. The default repeat amount is 1,
which means that if you do not enter this
parameter or enter only 1, then the field
will be incremented each time it prints.
RSTn; Optional parameter that specifies
the number of times this
incremented field will print before it
is reset to the starting point.
Enter RST followed by a numeric value
from 1 to 65,535, then the parameter
delimiter. The default reset value is 0,
which means that the field will not be
This parameter defines the ASCII
character string that will be printed
in the specified location.
See the explanation on Incremented Static
Alphanumeric Strings for how to construct
the starting field.
Enter the delimiter followed by the
alphanumeric string and end the entry with
the data delimiter.
NOTE: The delimiter cannot be used in
the alphanumeric string.
The following parameters are used in forms where Incremental Dynamic Barcode Data fields have
been defined. You may enter as many of the following fields as were originally defined on the form.
Optional parameter that specifies
one of the previously defined
Incremental Dynamic Barcode
Data fields.
Enter the Special Function Control
Character followed by IBF, then by the
assigned number of the desired Barcode
Data Field. End the entry with the
parameter delimiter.
idir; Optional field specifying whether
the data field will be incremented or
Enter a plus sign +; or leave this field blank
to increment in a positive direction.
Enter a minus sign -; to decrement the
Table 17. EXECUTE Form Command Optional Parameters
Field Function Option/Modifier Selections