
Appendix L 20 CPI Support In PGL
20 CPI Support In PGL
20 CPI text can now be selected from the ALPHA and DENSITY commands.
Use C20 in the ALPHA command and 20 in the DENSITY command.
SCALE Command Modifications In PGL
The SCALE command has been modified in the following manner:
Field Function
Dot Scale Placement
SCALE; This is the command
Command Identifier
DOT Specifies that placement
will be done using a
Enter DOT to specify a dot
measurement scale
(dot-columns and dot-
;HORZ An optional parameter that
specifies the horizontal
DPI used to place
elements on the form.
Enter the horizontal DPI.
No value will result in the
default setting of 60.
;VERT An optional parameter that
specifies the vertical DPI
used to place elements on
the form.
Enter the vertical DPI. No
value will result in the
default setting of 72.
Character Scale Placement
SCALE; This is the command
Command Identifier
CHAR Specifies that placement
will be done using a
Enter CHAR to specify a
character measurement
scale (columns and rows).
;LPI An optional parameter that
can be used to specify
Lines Per Inch settings for
print output.
Selections that can be
used are 6, 8, 9, 10, 12,
and 15. No value will
result in the default setting
of 6 LPI.
;CPI An optional parameter that
can be used to specify
Characters Per Inch
settings for print output.
Selections that can be
used are 10, 12, 13, 15,
17, and 20. No value will
result in the default setting
of 10 CPI.