
Chapter 11 Introduction
This may cause conflict with other emulations, since the above commands
may have different functions in these emulations. For example:
SI Condensed print
DC4 Reset expanded print
ESC P <n> Proportional spacing ON/OFF
ESC P Pica
In Barcode Mode, the barcode sequences have priority.
The barcode interpreter can be swited on or off with the MTPL sequences
ESC [? 11 ~ (Barcode ON) and ESC [ ? 10 ~ (Barcode OFF). The typical
transmission procedure should take place as follows:
Barcode Interpreter ON
Transmit mode specification (barcode header, LCP header, secured/
unsecured mode,...)
Transmit barcode / LCP
Barcode OFF
NOTE: The mode specifications are saved temporarily and must only be sent
to the printer once. The specification remains valid until the printer is
switched off.
Note the following explanatory information:
Every sequence description begins with a header in which the function and
short form of the sequence of the barcode Types are listed, e.g.:
The header is followed by the data structure in ASCII, hexadecimal and
decimal representation with the necessary parameters, e.g.:
ASCII DC4 start code n ... n stop code DC4
hex. 14 start code n ... n stop code 14
dec. 20 start code n ... n stop code 20
The syntax for the parameters, the start, separate and stop code is
represented as follows:
Table 42. Syntax Parameters
Figures (n) Start Code Stop Code
ASCII 0 to 9 ; ;
hex. 30 to 39 3A 3A
dec. 48 to 57 58 58
2/5 Matrix Type A