
Interleaved 2/5, PGL Barcode Commands, 220
Interleaved Two of Five, 135
Interleaved Two of Five, Barcode, 137
Interrupt Function, Positioning Data, 88
Invalid Commands, Industrial Graphics
Application, 122
ISET Commands in PGL, 316
ISO Character Set Table, 47
ISO Character Sets, 46
Large Character Printing, Data Formats of Barcode
Types, 263
LCP Character Set
German, 264
LCP Character Sets
German, 306
OCR-A, 308
OCR-B, 309
LCP Printing, Barcode, 225
Light Bar Ratios, 70
Line Drawing, 49
dashed lines, 51
solid lines, 49
Line Printer Graphics, 311
20 CPI Support in PGL, 318
barcode rotations in PGL, 315
Codabar Codes in PGL, 314
Code 128A Barcodes in PGL, 314
ISET Commands in PGL, 316
new barcode fonts in PGL, 315
Postal Barcodes, 311
SCALE Command Modifications in PGL, 318
user-defined barcode rotations in PGL, 315
USET Commands in PGL, 316
Line Terminator, Special Function Control
Character, 151
Lines, 49
Lines Per Inch, character printing, 45
Lines, drawing, 49
LOGMARS Barcode, 72
Logo Command, PGL Commands, 187
Logo Names, Special Function Control
Character, 152
Logos, 58, 271
Version 1, 58
Version 2, 59
Menu Operations, PGL, 147
Mixing Barcode/Block Characters, 144
Modplot, 291
MSI, PGL Barcode Commands, 221
Multiple Passes, GPL Commands, 25
Multiple Repeat Commands, Repeating Data
Version 2, 92
New Barcode Fonts in PGL, Line Printer
Graphics, 315
NLQ Fonts, 42
Normal Command, PGL Commands, 197
Normal Density (^M) Examples, Block
Characters, 141
Numeric Variables, Special Function Control
Character, 153
OCR-A, LCP Character Sets, 308
OCR-B, LCP Character Sets, 309
Orientation, Postnet Barcodes, 79
Output, PGL Barcode Commands, 215
Output, PGL Barcodes, 215
Page Number Command, PGL Commands, 170
Paper Motion Commands, Home and Cursor, 129
Parameter Delimiter, Special Function Control
Character, 151
Parmeters in POSTNET, 80
Pass Buffer Length, 22
Pass Format, 23
Pass Height, Positioning Data, 85
Pass Spacing (Modplot), 22
Pass Width, Positioning Data, 86