
Chapter 9 PGL Commands
NOTE: See Appendix B, page 269, for the approximate size of available
expansion factor for block characters (both horizontal and vertical
print orientation).
Parameters X3 and X4 control character expansion. The valid range of selections for both is
from 0 to 113. Both must be set to zero if the Elongated parameter is used or any CPI other
than the default is specified. These parameters have no effect on OCR and Compressed
characters. For selections
> 2, a block character style will be used for alphanumeric characters.
See NOTE below.
X3; Specifies vertical
expansion of the printer
Enter a value from 0 to 113. Zero (0) specifies
the standard size.
X4; Specifies horizontal
expansion of the printer
Enter a value from 0 to 113. Zero (0) specifies
the standard size.
Static alphanumeric data
that will print at the
position specified by X1
and X2. If you have
specified a dynamic
character string (AFn or
IAFn) in this command do
not use this parameter.
This alphanumeric string must be set off by the
Character String Delimiter (
). Any standard
ASCII printable character may be used except for
the Character String Delimiter character.
To change this string, you must redefine the
STOP Optional parameter that
indicates the end of the
Alphanumeric command
and leaving the Create
Enter STOP. If you do not enter STOP, the printer
will wait for another set of Alphanumeric
command parameters.
Table 9. Static/Dynamic Alphanumeric Creation Command
Field Function Option/Modifier Selections