
Chapter 9 PGL Commands
Density Command (Normal and Execute)
This command selects a Characters Per Inch for print output.
Directory Command (Normal)
This command is used in NORMAL Mode to print a directory of all defined
forms and logos, logo assignments to forms, available memory, and how
memory is currently used for form and logo storage.
To print the directory, enter the current Special Function Control Character
(SFCC) followed by DIRECTORY.
Table 27. Density (CPI) Command
Field Function Option/Modifier Selections
Command Specifier Enter the current Special Function Control
Character, followed by DENSITY, then end
the entry with the parameter delimiter.
n Parameter that specifies desired
CPI setting.
Valid selections are 10, 12, 13, 15, 17.
10A to select 10 CPI OCR-A and 10B to
select 10 CPI OCR-B.