Chapter 5 Provisioning
Provisioning Congurations
Global Management System User’s Guide
Add Prole Window cont.
3. Enter the necessary information required by the elds. When “Enable this for provisioning”
is checked, all items on that page will overwrite information in the current identical elds
in the endpoint’s settings. For example, as in the screenshot above, “Auto Answer” is
congured to Yes and “Allow User Setup” to No. If the “Allow User Setup” is currently set
to Yes on the ViewStation, after provisioning “Allow User Setup” will change from Yes to
No and ”Auto Answer” will have a Yes value.
4. Navigate to the next section. Repeat step 3.
5. Once the prole conguration is complete, click on the Save Prole button on the bottom
of the window. This saves all pages within the Admin Setup directory, not just the page
shown in the example screenshot.
Editing a Profile
Editing a prole works in a similar fashion to adding a prole.
1. Select the prole you wish to edit from the list.
2. Click on Edit, the Conguration Prole window will pop up.
3. Navigate to the sections on the tree menu that need to be modied.
4. Once the prole is complete, click on the Save Prole button on the bottom of the window
The Add Prole feature saves the settings when navigating from one section to the
next. However, these settings are only temporarily saved. In order for the settings to be
permanently saved, the Save Prole button on the bottom of the window must be clicked on.
The endpoint cannot be congured beyond the model capabilities. Even though it seems
that you are able to provision a settings which your endpoint model may not inherently
have, these conguration pages are not model specic. For instance, do NOT attempt to
provision a 512 Kbps dialing speed to a ViewStation SP128. This will render the ViewStation
If a eld is left blank on any of the pages which have “Enable this for provisioning” then the
equivalent eld on the endpoint will be erased when provisioned.