98Chapter 8 System Conguration Global Management System User’s Guide
Group Administration enables for setting up group permissions. Users of Global Management
System can belong to one of the 3 default groups: Administrator, Operator, AR/Billing or a newly
created group.
Administrator: Has the complete access to all facets of the application. This includes
monitoring, management and reporting. The administrator can make changes to all items in
menus stated above.
Operator: The administrator determines access. Operator may have access to view the
registrant list, active calls and network usage. They may be able to view congurations and
diagnostics but not reporting. They generally have no rights in making changes to management
and conguration pages. If administrator wants operator to have more rights, this can be granted
to the operator.
AR/Billing: Access is granted to view and generate Call Detail Record and Network Status
Reports only.
Groups can be created and modied here. Unique permission levels can be applied to created
groups. To learn more about permission levels, click here.
Permission Levels
The permissible levels for a specic group grants a member of that group accessibility to certain
functions or pages. For instance if a member belonged to the AR/Billing group congured with
default permissions, none of the other top-level icons (System Management, Global Directory,
Provisioning, etc.) would appear when accessing Global Management System. When the user
logged in, the application would default to the Reports page.
The levels of permission include:
• Access to view the pages
• Device specic operations
• Modify, congure pages or perform related task
For example if a user belonged to the operator group with the default settings, when accessing
the endpoint page, they will not see the full range of functional buttons, i.e., Add, Edit and
Remove will be missing. The user will only see the Unregister button and View Log. Whereas,
a user belonging to the Administrator Group will have full access to all functional button on
this page.
Group Administration