44Chapter 3 Global DirectoryGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Modifying Addresses in the Global Directory
As the administrator, there are three functions that are allowed in modifying Global Directory
New Address Creates a static entry in the Global Directory
Edit a static address Edit the contact information
Edit a dynamic address Change the list and view settings for the video
endpoint entry
Delete Address Deletes an entry
New Addresses
Creating a dynamic entry
In order for Polycom video endpoints to register with the Global Directory you must congure the
video endpoint to report to this Global Directory server. To learn how to do this, refer to page 59
- 62. Once the video endpoints are congured, the endpoints should register with the Global
Directory after being powered off and then back on.
Creating a static entry
Unlike dynamic Global Directory registration, the information entered here is “static”. If changes
are made to the system such as the acquisition of a new ISDN number or IP address, the user
must edit the information using the “Edit Address” function otherwise the information in the
Global Directory will be outdated.
1. Click on the New Address button. A pop up screen will appear with entry elds requiring
Name and Protocol.
2. Choose the type of entry by marking either the IP or ISDN checkbox.
3. Fill out the Name.
4. Fill out the appropriate information. The following page provides more information on the
items displayed in the New Address window.
5. Once the appropriate information is lled out, click on OK.