Global Management System User’s Guide
iPower Admin Setup Menu
Admin Tools :: Video :: Video Preferences
Video Algorithm
iPower Field Type Meaning
Video algorithm for
ISDN calls
Pull down menu This video algorithm determines the encoding
law used on calls over an ISDN network. For
instructions on choosing the algorithm, see
the iPower administrator guide.
Video algorithm for
LAN calls
Pull down menu This video algorithm determines the encoding law
used on calls over a LAN network. For instructions
on choosing the algorithm, seethe iPower
administrator guide.
Flicker Reduction
iPower Field Type Meaning
Check this to eliminate
video artifacts caused
by using an NTSC
camera and 50 Hz
uorescent lighting.
Check box Check or uncheck the box, depending upon the type
of monitor and lighting.
Dual Images
iPower Field Type Meaning
Enable (Share
bandwidth between
People and Content)
Radio button Enables the iPower collaboration system to share
bandwidth between People and Content when
Content is being shown. This allows conference
participants to see both People and Content
Allow system to
dynamically adjust
People and Content
bandwidth allocation]
Check box Select this option if you want the system to allocate
bandwidth to the video source (People or Content)
that needs it the most at any given time. For
example, if a conference participant is presenting a
slide show, the system provides more bandwidth to
Content when the participant changes a slide.
Disable Radio button Use Disable only when you want to allow more
bandwidth for content images so they can be
transmitted with greater clarity.