Global Management System User’s Guide
iPower Admin Setup Menu
Admin Tools :: Audio :: Audio Preferences
Audio algorithm for ISDN (H.320) and LAN (H.323) calls
iPower Field Type Meaning
Audio algorithm for
ISDN calls
Pull down menu Please refer to the iPower administrator guide for
the specics of each protocol.
Audio algorithm for
LAN calls
Pull down menu Please refer to the iPower administrator guide for
the specics of each protocol.
Encoding law for G.711
iPower Field Type Meaning
Radio button Sets the G.711 encoding law to use when a video
call begins. The µ-law is used in North America and
some parts of Japan. The a-law is used in most
European countries and parts of Japan.
Admin Tools :: Audio :: Audio Inputs
iPower Field Type Meaning
Use echo cancellation
Check box Integrated Dynamic Echo Cancellation (IDEC)
automatically cancels the echoes caused when
microphones pick up sounds coming from the
monitor’s speakers. Keep echo cancellation enabled
for normal use..
Use noise suppression Check box Filters out background noise from your
videoconference, such as air conditioners or
ventilation system noise. Keep automatic noise
suppression enabled for normal use.
Use Automatic Gain
Control (AGC)
Lets the far end hear a constant sound level, even
when the sound level changes at the near end. For
example, when a speaker at the near end moves
away from a microphone, the far end detects no
difference in volume. Keep this feature enabled for
normal use.
Auxiliary Audio input
iPower Field Type Meaning
Use Automatic Gain
Control (AGC) for
auxiliary audio source
Radio button Adjusts Automatic Gain Control for additional audio
inputs (such as a VCR) in order to keep them
consistent with PowerMic volume levels, so that
the volume does not change as people move or
different people speak.