Global Management System User’s Guide
System Information Window - iPower
QoS Tab
Quality of Service is a set of components that allows the differentiation and preferential treatment
of network trafc. This table displays the following QoS information for the selected iPower.
Field Description
For People video,
content video and
Tx Rx
Service Type Service Type species the level
of service required by the data
Service Type species the level
of service required by the data
Status RSVP (Resource Reservation
Protocol) status. RSVP carries
QoS requests and information to
a QoS-aware network devices
along the path between a sender
and one or more receivers
RSVP (Resource Reservation
Protocol) status. RSVP carries
QoS requests and information to
a QoS-aware network devices
along the path between a sender
and one or more receivers
Average Bandwidth Species the data transmission
Species the data transmission
Peak Bandwidth Species the maximum amount
of data transmitted in a given
period of time.
Species the maximum amount
of data transmitted in a given
period of time..
Bucket Size Bucket Size eld limits the
number of credits that can
accrue for a given ow.
Bucket Size eld limits the
number of credits that can
accrue for a given ow.
System Information Window - ViewStation/FX and EX, ViaVideo and iPower
Management Tab
More than one Global Management System server can manage video endpoints units. This
window displays the URL of the different servers that manage the selected endpoint in the
system window.