71Chapter 4 Software UpdateGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Conguring Your Server for Software Update
In the previous version of Global Management System, the location of the Software update
executable les on the server had to be specied in Global Management System for this feature
to work. Now the Software Update executable les can be uploaded onto the server straight
from your client machine.
Sets the le path of softupdate.exe
To Congure Software Update:
1. Click on the Congure Software Update button which links to the Software Update
Conguration page.
2. Select the Device type from the drop down list on this page and click on Upload.
3. Browse to the location of the Software Update executable le for the specied device type
on the client machine.
4. Provide a description so that this le can be identied on this list.
5. Click on OK.
Deleting a Software Update
1. Select the model and description from the list
2. Click on the Delete button. A dialog box will appear stating, “Are you sure?”
3. Click on OK. The le will be removed from the server.
Software Update Conguration