Global Management System User’s Guide
System Information Window - ViewStation
Advanced Stats Tab
The Advance Network Statistics screen contains information about the status of a call. It
describes how fast audio and video is coming in and going out during a call. The statistics will
continually refresh throughout the duration of the video call. If the ViewStation is not in a call, the
statistics will appear as dashes.
Field Description
Tx Rx
Audio rate Audio Rate transmitted Receiving Audio rate
Video rate Transmitting video rate Receiving video rate
Video Rate Used The actual amount of bandwidth
being used for video data
The actual amount of bandwidth
being used for video data
Video Frame Rate The current number of video
frames per second
The current number of video
frames per second
Video FEC Errors The number of Forward Error
Correction (FEC) errors that have
corrected in the current call
The number of Forward Error
Correction (FEC) errors that have
corrected in the current call
LSD Protocol The current Low Speed Data
(LSD) channel protocol in use
The current Low Speed Data
(LSD) channel protocol in use
LSD Rate The rate used for Low
Speed Data (LSD) channel
The rate used for Low
Speed Data (LSD) channel
MLP Protocol The current MLP channel
protocol in use
The current MLP channel
protocol in use
MLP Rate The rate used for MLP channel
The rate used for MLP channel
Remote System ID An identier string sent by
the remote site (usually a
manufacturer name)
An identier string sent by
the remote site (usually a
manufacturer name)