Global Management System User’s Guide
System Information Window - ViewStation
Interface Tab
The type of network connections, associated addresses and network names for the selected
ViewStation are revealed in this window.
Field Description
WAN enabled States whether this ViewStation is connected to the
WAN Type The type of WAN interface connected to the
ViewStation such as ISDN BRI, ISDN Quad-BRI,
V.35/RS-449, PRI, etc.
Line Status Shows the status of each WAN interface line
connected to the system.
A green arrow indicates the line is initialized
and ready, A red arrow indicates the line is not
connected or not functioning properly and a yellow
block indicates the line is being initialized
LAN enabled Indicates whether this ViewStation is connected to
the LAN
IP Address IP Address of the ViewStation
LAN Host Name System name recognized by the network
H.323 Name The name that other H.323-enabled systems may
use to call this unit.
H.323 Ext An extension that allows systems to call this system
through an H.320 to H.323 gateway