DMA Operations Guide The Polycom DMA System MIB
444 Polycom, Inc.
INDEX { stNetClusterAffilIndex }
::= { stNetClusterAffiliationTable 1 }
StNetClusterAffiliationEntry ::= SEQUENCE
stNetClusterAffilIndex Unsigned32,
stNetClusterAffilHostName DisplayString,
stNetClusterAffilClusterName DisplayString
-- dma.
stNetClusterAffilIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “stNetClusterAffiliationTable index.”
::= { stNetClusterAffiliationEntry 1 }
-- dma.
stNetClusterAffilHostName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “Hostname of the server.”
::= { stNetClusterAffiliationEntry 2 }
-- dma.
stNetClusterAffilClusterName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “Cluster to which the server belongs.”
::= { stNetClusterAffiliationEntry 3 }
-- dma.
stNetPrivateInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF StNetPrivateInterfaceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “Information about the private network interfaces of servers.”
::= { stNetwork 2 }
-- dma.
stNetPrivateInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX StNetPrivateInterfaceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “An entry in stNetPrivateInterfaceTable.”
INDEX { stNetPvtIndex }
::= { stNetPrivateInterfaceTable 1 }