Sites Site Topology
Polycom, Inc. 269
Dialing method The ISDN inward dialing method for the site:
• DID (Direct Inward Dial). Select this option if your
ISDN gateway is provisioned with a range of phone
numbers from the ISDN service provider, and each
of these numbers will be assigned to an endpoint as
an alias.
• Gateway Extension Dialing. Select this option if
your ISDN gateway’s ISDN connection is
provisioned with a single gateway phone number
from the ISDN service provider, and endpoints will
be assigned an extension (E.164 alias) that’s
internal to the company and doesn’t correspond to
any number that can be dialed on the PSTN.
Endpoints can be dialed from the PSTN by dialing
the ISDN gateway phone number, followed by a
delimiter (usually a #) and the extension number.
The gateway receives the full number from the
PSTN and dials only the extension number on the
IP network.
ISDN Outbound Dialing
Override ITU
dialing rules
Check this box to override the standard dialing rules,
established by the International Telecommunications
Union, when dialing out using an ISDN gateway.
The default setting, which does not override ITU dialing
rules, is usually accurate for placing outbound calls.
Enable this setting if you find that ISDN gateway calls
from registered endpoints in this site are unsuccessful.
PBX access code The code needed to access the ISDN/PSTN network
through the site’s PBX when dialing out.
Country code The country code for the site’s location. Click the CC
button to select from a list of countries.
To apply ITU dialing rules, the system must compare the
country code of the gateway site with the country code
of the call’s destination.
Area code The city or area code for the site’s location. Leading
zeroes are optional. For example, the city code for Paris
is 01, but you can enter either 01 or 1 in this field.
To apply ITU dialing rules, the system must compare the
area code of the gateway site with the area code of the
call’s destination.
Always dial area
Specifies that the area code should always be included
in the phone number.
Always dial
national prefix
Specifies that the national prefix should always be
included in the phone number.
Table 11-3 Add Site dialog box (continued)
Field Description