Enterprise Passcode Errors Report System Reports
Polycom, Inc. 401
The summary at the top of the report shows when it was generated (check this
to verify that the report you’re viewing reflects the most recent update of the
cache), the directory server accessed, and the following information:
• Number of users in the directory
• Number of users with duplicate chairperson and conference passcodes
• Number of users with valid, invalid, and unassigned chairperson
passcodes and the directory attribute on which they’re based, along with
the number of users with locally overridden chairperson passcodes
• Number of users with valid, invalid, and unassigned conference
passcodes and the directory attribute on which they’re based, along with
the number of users with locally overridden conference passcodes
The users with invalid passcodes are listed below.
The following table describes the fields in the list.
You must be an enterprise user (with the appropriate user role assignments) to see
the enterprise passcode errors report. A local user can’t access this page,
regardless of user roles.
For users with duplicate passcodes, the system ignores the conference
passcode, but honors the chairperson passcode.
Table 14-13 Information in the Enterprise Passcode Errors list
Column Description
Problem Indicates what the problem is: Chairperson,
Conference, or Duplicate.
User ID The login name or ID of the enterprise user with this
passcode error.
Domain The domain to which the enterprise user belongs.
Last Name The enterprise user’s last name.
First Name The enterprise user’s first name.
Notes For an invalid passcode, shows the generated value
(after the system stripped non-numeric characters out of
the attribute value and truncated it if necessary).
For duplicate chairperson and conference passcodes,
shows the raw attribute value of each and the duplicate
value generated (after stripping non-numeric characters
and truncating if necessary).