External SIP Peer Device Management
Polycom, Inc. 101
Authentication On this tab, you can configure SIP digest
authentication, as specified in RFC 3261, for this SIP
peer and add or edit authentication credentials.
SIP authentication must be enabled and configured on
the Device Authentication page.
Note: The digest authentication settings for this peer
are used only in conjunction with a dial rule specifying
the Resolve to external SIP peer action. If another dial
rule action, such as Resolve to external address, is
applied to the call, there is no association to this peer
and its authentication settings aren’t used.
Authentication Select one:
• Handle authentication — When it receives a 401
(Unauthorized) response from this SIP peer, the
Call Server presents its authentication credentials.
• Pass authentication — When it receives a 401
response from this SIP peer, the Call Server passes
it to the source of the request.
Note: SIP authentication requests are never passed to
an H.323 endpoint (a gateway call). If the Call Server
can’t provide the required credentials, the call fails.
Proxy authentication Select one:
• Handle proxy authentication — When it receives a
407 (Proxy Authentication Required) response from
this SIP peer, the Call Server presents its
authentication credentials.
• Pass proxy authentication — When it receives a 407
response from this SIP peer, the Call Server passes
it to the source of the request.
Note: Authentication requests are never passed to an
H.323 endpoint (a gateway call). If the Call Server can’t
provide the required credentials, the call fails.
(table of authentication
Lists the authentication credential entries defined for
use with this SIP peer, showing the realm in which the
entry is valid and the user name. Click Add to add
authentication credentials.
When choosing authentication credentials to present to
this SIP peer, the Call Server looks first at the entries
listed here. If there is none with the correct realm, it
looks for an appropriate entry on the Device
Authentication page.
External Registration Lists any outbound registration configurations
associated with this SIP peer and lets you add, edit, or
delete registrations. Multiple registrations may be
associated with a SIP peer.
Table 5-14 Add External SIP Peer dialog box
Field Description