The Polycom DMA System MIB Polycom DMA System SNMP Support
Polycom, Inc. 435
SYNTAX GeneralString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “Address of the Active Directory server.”
::= { cfgCsIntDirSvcMSActiveDirectory 3 }
-- dma.
SYNTAX GeneralString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “User ID of the service account used to integrate with Active Directory.”
::= { cfgCsIntDirSvcMSActiveDirectory 4 }
-- dma.
cfgCsIntCalendaring OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “Configurations for calendaring service integration.”
::= { cfgCsIntegrations 2 }
-- dma.
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “Configuration for Microsoft Exchange Server integration.”
::= { cfgCsIntCalendaring 1 }
-- dma.
cfgCsIntMSExchEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “True if Exchange integration is enabled.”
::= { cfgCsIntCalMSExchange 1 }
-- dma.
cfgCsIntMSExchResponsibleTerritory OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX GeneralString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “Name of the territory responsible for Exchange integration.”
::= { cfgCsIntCalMSExchange 2 }
-- dma.
cfgCsIntMSExchServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX GeneralString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION “Address of the Exchange server.”
::= { cfgCsIntCalMSExchange 3 }